
Monday 26 November 2007

365 / 101 - Dinner Party Crafting

So last night we had people over for dinner, and whenever we do that it somehow turns into a proper dinner party cos the boyf goes to the supermarket to buy one course and comes back with starters and chocolates and cheese... I had some sewing that I needed to get done, so I stitched away during pre-dinner nibbles and again during post-dinner chocolates and coffee (tea for me, obviously).

Here in terrible light (so overcast today) is last night's workspace, complete with yummy chocs...

I was restocking a few things, party rings and moustache pins and tree stumps, and also beading a few more poppies - most appropriate as during dinner it turns out my little poppy pin was on the Etsy front page! I missed it due to a ban on Etsy during the evening (sewing is allowed but checking Etsy is impolite to guests apparently) but the lovely Miss Bunny sent me a screenshot to enjoy at my leisure:

UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the treasury!

    Amazing blog you have here! I will be back for sure!

