
Sunday 21 October 2007

365 / 67 & 68 - sewing around a wedding and lots of parcels

I have been a bit busy the past couple of days. This featured seller lark has rather increased the number of orders I've been getting, and my kitchen is currently a bit of a bomb site of parcels and packing materials and lots and lots of little post-it notes with things scribbled on them like "check address" and "remember labels!" and "which colour?". Happy chaos.

Then yesterday we were at a wedding for most of the day... the day before I did a bit of sewing with an eye to packing up my works-in-progress and taking them with me to the wedding, and then before the wedding started (during the choir rehearsals) I carried on with the sewing (never hitch a lift with musicians!). Here is the box of goodies I took with me...
... and then here is the result of the day's stitchery:
Other than this I have no real news, except to state the obvious which is that my Etsy views and hearts, my blog views and also my Flickr views (now up to a -to me rather staggering - 23,404 views! crazy) have gone rather mental in the past few days. The lovely, lovely messages have kept coming too - thankyou again to anyone who has sent a kind word, each one has made me smile hugely. Sorry if all I've had time to send in return is a quick thankyou! Hugs all round :)

Right, I have to go and package up a few more things now. Having to attend to parcels is a most excellent excuse for getting out of doing the washing up, hehe.


  1. Wow - good for you. I'm so glad things are really taking off. I'm impressed that you even got some sewing done at the wedding! I may have to start taking a little box of work in progress with me wherever I go!
    Cathy XX

  2. Hi there, your pictures on this blog and flickr are excellent - really glad that I have looked at the sites, and now feeling tempted to try and do sewing of my own -
    x Esther
