
Saturday 1 September 2007

Crafting 365 - day eighteen - stationery and rearranging my stash of supplies

Last night I got all those sheet music notecards wrapped up into nice bundles of 3 and 6 cards, and then got a bit carried away with the old cutting and sticking...

I now have a pile of finished map cards ready to photograph (top left in the photo) and some brown & blue recycled envelopes ready to use for my own post (recycled from envelopes in our recycling pile). I also found two gorgeous 1940s maps in a box, put away because although they are delicious to look at they were too delicate to use for envelopes. One small brainwave later, and the maps have been cut into pieces ready to adorn some notecards which I shall pair with handmade envelopes of brown paper (I do love brown paper, and it goes really well with the colours in both maps as well as adding an extra vintage feel to them).

Off to the Post Office soon, and to buy some more Prittstick so I can glue those 1940s map pieces together.... I'll also be doing a bit of tidying as I have been re-arranging some of my supplies, my packing materials and stationery and things like that. We have been moving lots of furniture around the house and re-organising an awful lot of our stuff, and this has freed up a small bookcase for me to use near my workspace (ie just off the kitchen). It will be great having even more things to hand instead of 90% of my stuff being tucked away in the spare room. I shall take a picture when it's all sorted out - only halfway there yet!