
Saturday 18 August 2007

Crafting 365 - day four - moustache madness! also owls

Today was a good day. I made a moustache disguise (one of my handmade felt moustaches attached to elastic) and pranced about the house giggling to myself at how hilarious I looked. For a limited time only you can have a giggle too over at my Flickr

Last night & this morning I finished all my little owls - here they are with the prototype disguise:
Thinking about the wearable moustaches (and in the middle of cutting out lots of felt pieces to make some more) I thought how the listing would need someone modelling them... but I am so not putting my own pics in my Etsy listings where they will be preserved forever should the listing sell... So: I asked in the forums for models instead. The lovely people who volunteered will be getting the moustache disguise of their choice through the post very soon, and then I shall give their Etsy shops a mention in the listing when I use their photos. I am totally excited by the thought of people modelling my stuff :D

Oh, and thinking of Etsy: I was on the front page last night for the THIRD time in about 10 days (this time it was my London Map Notecard). Etsy front pages are clearly like buses... you wait around for ages and three turn up all at once. Very awesome stuff. All these front pages have had a huge impact on my shop views - and my "hearts" (people marking my shop as a favourite) have gone up by over 100 this week. I was delighted last week at hitting the 400 mark and then today I passed the 500 mark. LOTS of grinning going on here today...

What else? what else? Oh yes - I emailed Etsy Labs about the very first UK Street Team retreat which is happening as I type this (gosh I am so jealous) and they were lovely and posted about it here. I think that's all - if there was owt else I shall just have to remember it tomorrow, I guess...

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