
Wednesday 14 February 2007

I have been making lots of recycled envelopes...

After finding some great maps in a local charity shop and then a huge old edition of some Beethoven sonatas in another charity shop, I have been going on an envelope-making binge! I have also been making notecards to match the envelopes, and am dividing them all up into individual cards, notecard sets and bundles of envelopes... So far I have made a big pile of sheet music stuff, and 4 different types of mapelopes. I am using the offcuts to make map tags, they look so cool & will sell as small bundles or be great for sending with purchases as a little gift. I will post more pictures when things are finished, and probably some of my hoard of maps. For now though these will have to do :)


  1. hi i really like ur envelopes how can buy some how much are they for sale?

  2. Check out my Etsy shop,
