
Tuesday 18 December 2012

A Stitched Snow Globe

Remember the in-progress cross stitch project I blogged about a couple of weeks ago?

Well, I finished it!

As you can see, it's a little silver snow globe - with a couple of mountains, a little cottage, some fir trees and (of course) some snow.

This is the first cross stitch picture I've designed - before this I'd only made a sampler or two, and some mini sampler brooches. I'm quite pleased with the finished result and, apart from the fiddly silver sections and all that unpicking I had to do when I changed my mind about some of the colours I was using (sigh), this was a super relaxing project to work on in the evenings this winter.

I think there is definitely going to be more cross stitch in my future!

I'm hoping to get the pattern written up neatly so I can share it with you guys sometime soon... if anyone is interested?


  1. It looks great. I think I will try it also. I have a little miniature x-mas shop...
    here you can see some photos:

    A big hug from Germany

  2. Snowglobes are lovely! Congrats on a very accomplished first X-stitch project!

    Susan X

  3. I am very interested =) Love snowglobes. thanks!

  4. Really cute. I love cross stitch and have been doing it for years. What are you going to do with your little piece?

  5. Hi. I am very interested in your snowglobe. I wonder if I could adapt it to knitting?

  6. such a lovely idea would love to see the graph whenever you can- great blog too I like keeping up with what you are up to Wendy

  7. Thats a very cool wee snow globe :-)

  8. Thanks for all the kind comments, folks xx I'm not sure when I'm going to have the chart ready, but I'll be sure to blog about it when I do :)

    Kay - I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for yet!


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