
Thursday 7 June 2007

To tide you over...

I have been so lazy with the blogging lately! I have at least been off sewing lots of things and I DID manage to get my swap item finished, hurrah (wip shots and other lovely things coming very soon), but I have been getting sooo behind. The uk etsy sellers blog is looking a bit neglected, too - I haven't even written up the flowers challenge yet! Just shameful. I will write some proper blog posts sometime soon (hopefully) but until then, some pictures, hurrah!

... two finished beaded brooches (I blogged a wip shot of the larger one last week), so pleased with how these turned out! Made from a random bag of beads I discovered in my supplies box, no idea where they came from...
... my entry to the flowers challenge (and the very first photo print available in my shop - venturing into new territory, rather exciting) ...
... and an excellent selection of buttons I bought at my local Sally Army shop last week - so far only charity shop in town that seems to keep a button jar (still a couple to ask, but I don't hold out much hope, it's not a very "modern" thing to do)

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